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Board of Directors



Justin S. Padgett
Justin holds a M.S. in Corporate Training and Development from Western Carolina University. He has served as the Executive Director of Landmark Learning since 1996. With over 20 years of experience as an outdoor educator and prehospital emergency care provider, Justin combines his carreer backgrounds to address disaster medicine preparation in the United States. 
Justin brings his organizational skills, outdoor community connections, and enthusiasm for student support. 
He is excited to see this idea to support students come to fruition after 10 years of anticipation! 
Mairi S. Padgett

Mairi earned her MAEd. Higher Education Administration at Western Carolina University.  She has held the Administrative Director role with Landmark Learning since 1996.  She brings a history of student support, administrative policies and procedures management, web design, database management,  and an intimate knowledge in developing an institution of higher education that exceeds US Department of Education standards.


Mairi is excited to further the financial support available to Landmark Learning students, by which we can make coursework more accessible to an underserved student population.

Seth Hawkins


Seth received his undergraduate degree in medical anthropology at Yale University, and completed his medical degree at UNC-Chapel Hill and emergency medicine residency training at the University of Pittsburgh.  He  has worked for over twenty years in wilderness medicine and out-of-hospital emergency medical care. As of 2015, Seth is the only physician to be awarded the degree of Master Fellow by the Academy of Wilderness Medicine.


Seth brings extensive experience in non-profit organizing as well as clinical and academic wilderness medicine experience to the Landmark Foundation Board of Directors. Initially training as an anthropologist in college, his career aspirations were redirected to wilderness medicine in the early 1990s after taking a class at a school much like Landmark Learning. 


Acknowledging how transformative the programming can be at schools like Landmark Learning, Seth is excited to work with the Foundation to extend this experience to as broad a student population as possible. In addition, he is particularly interested in the ways Landmark Learning is reimagining how to train providers like disaster responders and lifeguards, and will be dedicated to helping the Foundation reach new communities with these curricula. 

Adam Davies

Adam is a graduate of  Arizona State University completing a Bachelors of Applied Science in Health Sciences. 


Since 1993 Adam has held an active role in prehospital emergency care.  Adam is currently a full time Critical Care Flight Paramedic, teaching Landmark Learning and Wilderness Medicine Institute coursework in small bursts.  Adam Davies has been involved with Landmark Learning as faculty since 2002. 


Adam brings his career knowledge of the outdoor recreation and emergency care industries, along with his organizational skills and student advocacy to the Board. 

Adam is honored and excited to help shape and steer the Foundation. This has been a great experience. But mostly I am excited to help reach more students! I am especially hopeful that we can help increase our community’s (Western North Carolinians) attendance of Landmark Courses by indentifying underserved populations. 



Katie C. Wall

Katie  completed her MAEd. at Ole Miss. She is currently Program Coordinator at Appalachian State University. Katie has been working in the outdoor recreation and education field since 2004. Katie is currently working on her doctorate in Educational Leadership at Appalachian State University.


Katie’s experience in the university setting, college student development, and the outdoor retail industry affords Katie a unique perspective on the development and growth of the Landmark Foundation. Katie has been actively involved with AORE, the Association of Outdoor Research and Education since 2004 and has served in a variety of leadership roles with the Association’s Student Development Committee.


Katie's true passions are outdoor pursuits and student development - creating opportunities for students, preparing them for and connecting them in the industry is very important to her.  The Landmark Foundation creates the perfect environment for development within the outdoor industry.  The ability that the Foundation has to reach students, further higher education, expand opportunities for disaster and rural medicine, and focus on sustainability within the outdoor industry is extraordinary.  It is an honor to be part of an organization that is looking to make a true difference in our community!



The Landmark Foundation  2015 Bylaws are available here in PDF.  





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